Coastal Sand Dunes
Coastal Sand Dunes

Emerald Forest restored our first dune in 1989. The dune planting and fencing work was associated with the relocation of the Bodie Island Coast Guard Station from the south to the north side of Oregon Inlet on the North Carolina Outer Banks. Since that time we have planted millions of sprigs on dune vegetation, installed miles of sand fence, moved thousands of cubic yards of sand and removed acres of non-native invasive plant species!
Coastal sand dunes are our first line of defense during storm events. They serve to protect life, property and infrastructure landward of the beach, saving countless dollars for coastal communities. Whether you are a property owner, a local municipality or a larger government entity, maintaining a healthy dune system is a critical part of protecting and preserving your property from damage from wind and waves.
Emerald Forest views a sand dune as a ‘living’ system composed of sand and vegetation, shaped by the wind and tides. Let us help you restore your living dune after a storm event or help you nourish it for enhanced protection and aesthetic appeal.